Bonding Styrenic Copolymers to Replace PVC

The desire to find a cost-effective, yet environmentally friendly alternative to PVC is the focus of a new technical paper: Bonding Styrenic Copolymers and Thermoplastic Elastomers in the Quest to Replace PVC. The paper details current research on the benefits of using light-curable adhesives and surface treatment technology to optimize bond strength of competitive high…

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Plasma & Flame Treatment Prepares Aluminum Surfaces for Bonding

Flame Technology - Treating Metal

Bonding to aluminum can be major challenge. Engineers typically rely on adhesives to bond aluminum without welding. Depending upon application requirements, there are several adhesives and VHB foam tapes that have proven effective. However, all adhesive-based remedies are subject to failure if surface preparation is overlooked. Aluminum Surface Contaminates Aluminum is often annealed to achieve…

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What Plasma Actually Does to a Surface to Improve Adhesion

Air plasma surface treating is an emerging green technology for leading manufacturers tasked with assembling and decorating plastics, composites, glass and metals. It is a powerful, yet relatively inexpensive technology that is used by both Fortune 100 companies and small operations to improve bond strength, product quality and throughput. You can see the effects of…

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Improve Adhesion Consistency with a Practical Understanding of Surface Energy

Whether you are researching and developing a new adhesion process or solving a current bonding challenge, understanding the role of free surface energy is critical. With this knowledge, you can implement a quality control program to ensure consistent results. In this webinar, surface energy experts from KRÜSS & Enercon share their expertise with practical advice…

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Technology Demos: Plasma & Flame Surface Treating for Improved Adhesion

See how surface treating technologies work in this new webinar featuring equipment in action. Watch how Blow-ion™, Blown-arc™ and Power Flame™ surface treatment is created through narrated animations and videos. In this webinar, hosted by surface treating expert Wilson Lee, attendees gain insights on the reasons manufacturers rely on each of these technologies to improve…

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Improve Adhesion Results with New Scientific Diagnostics & Surface Treating

Plasma & flame surface treaters clean, etch and functionalize surfaces to improve bonding with adhesives, inks, coatings and paints. Dyne level and contact angle are commonly used to measure treatment effectiveness. Today, new automated scientific diagnostics are used to identify a more useful measurement: surface free energy, including polar and dispersive components. Experts on surface…

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How Plasma and Flame Surface Treating Improve Adhesive Bonding

Adhesives & Bonding

It’s well-known that surface preparation can improve and enable adhesive success. Abrasion, chemical, degreasing and physical surface preparation methods are often used to support better bonding. In-line plasma and flame surface treating are gaining in popularity for their ability to clean, etch and functionalize surfaces. Their capacity to provide consistent and repeatable performance as part…

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Improve Composite Bond Strength With Plasma Treatment

plasma animation overall still

Atmospheric plasma treaters can significantly increase the interfacial adhesion characteristics of composite structures. The types of composite structures than can benefit from atmospheric plasma are emerging rapidly. Many new plastic nanocomposites have offered valuable properties, such as heat resistance, chemical resistance, structural/stress strength and weather resistance. As a low temperature solution, plasma treaters offer an…

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Solar Glass Plasma Cleaning Removes Organic Contamination

solar glass cleaning with plasma tech paper

Solar glass plasma cleaning removes organic contamination The pre-cleaning of PV glass is critical to solar module performance. The presence of minute traces of ionic particles on solar glass can compromise energy transference, directly affecting module efficiency. These ions may be deposited by previous module fabrication processes or transferred as a result of machine component…

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Dyne Level Does Not Guarantee Surface Adhesion

Adhesive failure illustration

Dyne levels are a great indicator of your chance for adhesion success. But dyne level does not guarantee adhesion. Let’s look at a few factors that affect adhesion results. These include coating and material compatibility, surface energy, process variables, material variables and ultimately bonding requirements such as entanglement. Coating (ink, adhesive, paint, etc…) and material…

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