Enercon Releases 2nd Generation of the Blown-ion™ 500 Plasma Surface Treater with an Expanded Operating Window

Enercon 2nd Generation Blown-ion 500 Plasma Treater

Enercon’s original Blown-ion™ 500 plasma treater broke new barriers with its ability to provide wide, high and uniform treatment levels at process speeds never before possible with in-line plasma technology. The innovation continues as Enercon releases its second generation of this remarkable technology. “Maintaining a consistent plasma simultaneously over six separate plasma discharge ports requires…

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Advances In Adhesion With Co2-Based Atmospheric Plasma Surface Modification

Abstract The use of gas and/or liquid-phase carbon dioxide (CO2) with atmospheric plasma discharge surface pretreatment technology can remove micron and submicron particulates and hydrocarbon-based contaminations on plastics and metals. The cleaning process is based upon the expansion of either liquid or gaseous carbon dioxide through an orifice. The paper provides an understanding of the…

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Plasma & Flame Surface Treatment Distance & Dwell Time Recommendations for Consistent Treatment Results


What is the ideal distance between the treatment head and the surface to be treated? The answer depends on the surface treater you are using and your specific application. However, there are some general guidelines that you should be aware of: Treatment Distance Treatment Dwell Time Treatment Angle Measuring Treatment Success Pretesting and good documentation…

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Getting Started with Flame Plasma

What’s in the eBook? Learn how flame plasma is helping users improve product quality, and increase production speeds. See what Enercon customers are saying “We’ve integrated Enercon flame treaters and we really enjoy working with Enercon because of their depth of knowledge in surface treating.”Jerry Schmit, Sr Applications Engineer, Midwest Engineering Solutions

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Atmospheric Plasma and Flame Surface Treatment for Medical Applications

Get insight on how medical device manufacturers are using atmospheric plasma to eliminate adhesion challenges. What’s in the eBook? Learn how atmospheric plasma is helping users improve product quality, and increase production speeds. See what Enercon customers are saying “For medical printing applications, it’s imperative to follow the defined protocols. Enercon’s experience with medical device…

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An Overview of Surface Treatment for Three-Dimensional Objects

If you’ve attempted to print, label, or otherwise decorate a three-dimensional (3-D) product, you’ve probably been frustrated by an ink or adhesive that refused to adhere to the part’s surface. You may have tried different types of ink or adhesive formulations to get the job done, perhaps even used chemical primers or batch-treating processes. Still,…

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Surface Activation Systems For Optimizing Adhesion To Polymers

Many experiments have been performed globally to investigate ways of improving adhesion to polymers. This paper discusses current atmospheric surface activation systems, appropriate measurements of wettability and adhesion, over-treatment effects and surface analysis techniques relative to optimizing the adhesion of inks, paints, coatings and adhesives to polymer surfaces. Recommendations for improved activation by substrate and…

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Improving UV Coating Results with Corona & Plasma Surface Preparation

UV coatings are a great choice for high value applications where scratch resistance and surface performance are essential. While traditional UV lamps are still used, the advancement of LED curing technology has improved operational efficiencies for numerous applications. This article reviews the importance of properly preparing surfaces for bonding with a variety of in-line surface…

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