Is Plasma Treating the Missing Link in Your Adhesive Bonding Operations?

To enable adhesive bonding, manufacturers rely on primers, cleaners, chemical etching & mechanical roughening. However, these traditional surface preparation methods are notorious for limiting productivity & product quality for the following reasons: Use of in-line plasma & flame surface treating is on the rise because it solves these challenges by cleaning, etching & functionalizing surfaces…

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Which Surface Treating Technology is Best for My Application: Corona, Plasma or Flame?

Blown-ion™ Technology

Plasma and flame surface treaters can achieve the desired improvement in surface energy. What drives the technology decision is your application details, work environment, integration plans and budget. In this new webinar, surface treating expert, Wilson Lee, covers the basics of plasma and compares each technology with other surface preparation methods. Topics include: As the…

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Why Manufacturers Use New Flame Technology to Improve Adhesion

Advances in flame surface treatment technology are fueling a renewed interest in flame as an automated method of improving surface adhesion. Today’s flame treaters are remarkably safe, reliable & effective at treating a wide variety of plastic, composite, metal and paperboard surfaces. Discover why flame is an ideal solution for high line speeds, complex surface…

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Machine Builder’s & Integrator’s Guide to Understanding Plasma & Flame Treating

The need for integration of plasma and flame surface treating technologies for assembly and decorating applications is on the rise. Enercon and our customers are looking for machine builders and integrators that have expertise in material handling and automation projects. Plasma and flame are used to increase surface energy to promote bonding with adhesives, inks,…

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How New Plasma Treating Technology is Advancing Adhesion Dependent Manufacturing Processes

Blown-ion™ 500

The new Blown-ion™ Plasma Treater offers manufacturers powerful and uniform surface treatment for improving adhesion at high processing rates. This plasma treater utilizes a wide MultiPort™ head design that bombards surfaces with an intense, high-speed discharge of ions to clean, etch & functionalize surfaces. Treatment removes contaminants, increases bonding sites, & improves the wettability of…

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How Plasma and Flame Surface Treating Improve Adhesive Bonding

Adhesives & Bonding

It’s well-known that surface preparation can improve and enable adhesive success. Abrasion, chemical, degreasing and physical surface preparation methods are often used to support better bonding. In-line plasma and flame surface treating are gaining in popularity for their ability to clean, etch and functionalize surfaces. Their capacity to provide consistent and repeatable performance as part…

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How Enercon Plasma Treater Customers Improve Inkjet Printing Results

Challenged by inconsistent inkjet adhesion? Discover how two of Enercon’s customers overcame printing inconsistencies by utilizing plasma surface treatment. Industry veterans Jerry Jordan (WAGO) and Dwayne Chrest (Best Formulations) will share their insights on: Get access to the presentation and video with just a few keystrokes on the form to the right. Innovative People Ensuring…

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Plasma & Flame Improve Adhesion for Composite Materials

composites tech paper

The need to lightweight materials while maintaining structural properties have automotive design engineers rapidly integrating plastics and composites into their latest products. Composite materials provide superior mechanical performance, reduced weight, corrosion resistance, and the flexibility of part design. With this evolution of materials incorporating in-line surface treatment has become vital to helping promote adhesion, improve…

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Improve Composite Bond Strength With Plasma Treatment

plasma animation overall still

Atmospheric plasma treaters can significantly increase the interfacial adhesion characteristics of composite structures. The types of composite structures than can benefit from atmospheric plasma are emerging rapidly. Many new plastic nanocomposites have offered valuable properties, such as heat resistance, chemical resistance, structural/stress strength and weather resistance. As a low temperature solution, plasma treaters offer an…

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Plasma & Flame Treating Buyers Guide for Plastics

Learn how to successfully evaluate and integrate the best surface treatment technology for your unique applications. Our expert panel reveals industry best practices: See what Enercon customers are saying “Enercon has provided us with some great tools to help us improve our operations. They are very dedicated to ensuring our success and supporting the quality…

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