Improve Composite Bond Strength With Plasma Treatment

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Atmospheric plasma treaters can significantly increase the interfacial adhesion characteristics of composite structures. The types of composite structures than can benefit from atmospheric plasma are emerging rapidly. Many new plastic nanocomposites have offered valuable properties, such as heat resistance, chemical resistance, structural/stress strength and weather resistance. As a low temperature solution, plasma treaters offer an…

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Plasma & Flame Treating Buyers Guide for Plastics

Learn how to successfully evaluate and integrate the best surface treatment technology for your unique applications. Our expert panel reveals industry best practices: See what Enercon customers are saying “Enercon has provided us with some great tools to help us improve our operations. They are very dedicated to ensuring our success and supporting the quality…

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Improve Structural Composite Adhesion Strength with in-line Plasma Surface Treatment

Whether you are looking to improve the consistency of structural composite adhesion or improve the productivity of your process; in-line atmospheric plasma surface treatment may be the answer. Join Composite Adhesion expert Lou Dorworth of Abaris Training Resources, Inc and surface treatment expert Ryan Schuelke of Enercon Industries Corporation for an informative webinar on structural…

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Creating Strong Bonds using UV Curing & Plasma Treatment

UV curing experts OmniCure® by Excelitas Technologies and the plasma treating pros from Enercon Industries share an insightful webinar on the best practices when using curable coatings, inks and adhesives. As applications continue to expand for these technologies in the assembly, microelectronics, medical, optics and plastics industries, it is imperative to gain an understanding of…

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Inks, Coatings & Adhesives – A Practical Guide to Surface Treating

Get insight into the best practices for improving the adhesion of inks, adhesives and coatings to surfaces with plasma and flame. Our expert panel answers these commonly asked surface treating questions: Innovative People Ensuring Your Treating Success. Enercon is the world’s leading manufacturer of surface treatment systems and associated support equipment. Our unwavering commitment to…

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Solar Glass Plasma Cleaning Removes Organic Contamination

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Solar glass plasma cleaning removes organic contamination The pre-cleaning of PV glass is critical to solar module performance. The presence of minute traces of ionic particles on solar glass can compromise energy transference, directly affecting module efficiency. These ions may be deposited by previous module fabrication processes or transferred as a result of machine component…

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Plasma Treatment for Adhesion Promotion of High Performance Materials used in Aerospace Manufacturing

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The aerospace industry is taking advantage of alternative methods to improve the adhesion of adhesively-bonded joints of polymers and composites. Manufacturers are using atmospheric plasma to prepare surfaces for bonding to similar and dissimilar materials. Process and reactive gas components rapidly activate polymer surfaces, providing surface species which contribute to secure bonding and curing of…

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Analysis of New Flame Treatment Technology for Surface Modification and Adhesion Promotion

ABSTRACT Surface treatment technologies are commonly used to enhance the adhesion potential of base flexible packaging substrates for the application of performance adhesives, coatings and inks. The relationship between ribbon burner flame treatment technology and enhanced velocity (EV) port burner technology, and the degree of surface modification for adhesion promotion, is compared. Results showed that…

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Henkel Adhesives & Enercon Plasma Treatment Case Study:

Surface Treatment Effects on Adhesive Bond Strength Henkel and Enercon Industries partnered in this study to compare the effects of adhesives’ bond strength on fluoropolymers when they are pre-treated with a variety atmospheric plasma technologies. This paper takes an in-depth look at necessary alignments between the substrate type, surface modification method, and adhesive type to…

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Improving Folding Carton Bond Strength Video

Enercon folding carton customers are currently using the blow ion plasma technology to clean, etch and functionalize surfaces of folding cartons. These materials include: polycoated, polybacked, virgin kraft board, specially coated materials, UV lacquered surfaces and recyclable materials. As a result of surface treating folding cartions prior to applying the adhesive, manufacturers are able to improve bond strength, increase line…

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