Enercon Offers the Widest Range of Surface Treating Technologies at NPE

Get your chance to see the industries’ most comprehensive platform of PLASMA, FLAME & CORONA surface treating technologies in the FRONT ROW of NPE’s West Hall (Booth W6643). (Get your free pass using code 47342.) Object Treating Technologies & Applications Witness plasma treating in action & how it improves surface adhesion on all types of…

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Plasma, Flame & Corona Pretreatment for Surface Treating Plastics

How to determine the best technology for your application

Generally, plastics have chemically inert and nonporous surfaces with low surface tensions. This makes them nonreceptive to bonding with inks, adhesives, coatings, and other substrates. Polyethylene and polypropylene for example have very low surface energy. Pretreatment of these and other engineered plastics improves bonding prior to printing, coating, and laminating. The best type of surface…

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Plasma & Flame Surface Treatment Distance & Dwell Time Recommendations for Consistent Treatment Results


What is the ideal distance between the treatment head and the surface to be treated? The answer depends on the surface treater you are using and your specific application. However, there are some general guidelines that you should be aware of: Treatment Distance Treatment Dwell Time Treatment Angle Measuring Treatment Success Pretesting and good documentation…

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Clean is good, but is it good enough for successful adhesion?

Smart manufacturers recognize the importance of a clean surface when bonding components. If a part is not clean, the adhesive will bond to the surface contamination rather than directly to the surface itself. Manufacturers commonly use a solvent to clean the surface. However, this isn’t always enough to produce the desired adhesive outcome. A clean…

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UV Flexo Ink Composition And Surface Treatment Effects On Adhesion To Flexible Packaging

Flame Discharge

Read the abstract below and download your copy of this informative technical paper which was presented at the TAPPI PLACE 2010 conference “UV Flexo Ink Composition and Surface Treatment effects on adhesion to Flexible Packaging”. Abstract UV flexo inks are becoming increasingly popular in flexible packaging and shrink sleeve applications, traditional markets for flexographic inks.…

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Roll Aluminum Surface Preparation for Packaging Applications


The packaging industries within North America and Western Europe consume the majority of the aluminum sheet and foil for making beverage cans, flexible packaging and foil wraps. The choice of alloy for these applications typically predetermines properties such as strength, formability and resistance to corrosion. Other requirements such as the surface finish, flatness and gauge…

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How and why plasma and flame surface treating improve surface adhesion.

Common adhesion impediments found on surfaces. Non-porous and hydrophobic surfaces have low surface energy with few available bonding sites due to low levels of charged ions on the surface. Additionally, any type of surface contamination affects adhesion negatively. This contamination can include material additives & release agents which can migrate to the surface. Clean, Etch…

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Getting Started with Flame Plasma

What’s in the eBook? Learn how flame plasma is helping users improve product quality, and increase production speeds. See what Enercon customers are saying “We’ve integrated Enercon flame treaters and we really enjoy working with Enercon because of their depth of knowledge in surface treating.”Jerry Schmit, Sr Applications Engineer, Midwest Engineering Solutions

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