How Plasma & Flame Surface Treating Works – Explainer Video

Sam is a Quality Engineer at Stick-It Inc. and he is having trouble with the adhesive bonding and printing of his manufactured parts. The adhesives won’t stick and the ink rubs off! He needs to find a solution quick and decides to call Enercon for help. Follow Sam through his journey of discovering how plasma…

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Plasma and Flame Laboratory Surface Analysis

lab technician recording surface treating lab results

The best way to test the success of surface treatment is to immediately perform the next step in your process after treatment. If field evaluation is not possible, surface treating laboratory trials may be conducted with Enercon’s application engineers. They will test experiments with various plasma and flame treating technologies to determine which may be best for…

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Corona vs. Plasma

Enercon receives many questions about the differences and similarities between corona and plasma surface treating. In all cases, the context of the question is very important as some industries have adopted unique definitions of each term. Technically, plasma is the fourth state of matter produced by the ionization of a gas. And since corona ionizes…

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