Solar Glass Plasma Cleaning Removes Organic Contamination

solar glass cleaning with plasma tech paper

Solar glass plasma cleaning removes organic contamination The pre-cleaning of PV glass is critical to solar module performance. The presence of minute traces of ionic particles on solar glass can compromise energy transference, directly affecting module efficiency. These ions may be deposited by previous module fabrication processes or transferred as a result of machine component…

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Plasma Treatment for Adhesion Promotion of High Performance Materials used in Aerospace Manufacturing

tech paper aerospace plasma treating

The aerospace industry is taking advantage of alternative methods to improve the adhesion of adhesively-bonded joints of polymers and composites. Manufacturers are using atmospheric plasma to prepare surfaces for bonding to similar and dissimilar materials. Process and reactive gas components rapidly activate polymer surfaces, providing surface species which contribute to secure bonding and curing of…

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Pretreatment Solutions for Improving Adhesion in Electronics Applications

Tech Paper Electronics Pretreatment

Blown ion plasma and flame plasma are effective and repeatable treatment methods that take the guesswork out of electronics manufacturing bonding processes. It is imperative that manufacturers protect these electronics from moisture, corrosion, contamination, static, and mechanical shock. To prevent damage, electronics such as printed circuit boards (PCBs) are typically protected with coatings. Additional protection…

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Optimize Inkjet Printing Adhesion for Wire & Cable Marking

Digital inkjet printing wire & cable provides manufacturers with productivity advantages including variable data, fast changeover & indelible printing at top line speeds. However, material properties, contamination, ink/material compatibility & durability requirements create challenges. Fortunately, a trilogy of suppliers has worked together to develop repeatable solutions for printing on a variety of substrates. This paper…

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Dyne Level Does Not Guarantee Surface Adhesion

Adhesive failure illustration

Dyne levels are a great indicator of your chance for adhesion success. But dyne level does not guarantee adhesion. Let’s look at a few factors that affect adhesion results. These include coating and material compatibility, surface energy, process variables, material variables and ultimately bonding requirements such as entanglement. Coating (ink, adhesive, paint, etc…) and material…

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Understanding the Difference Between Blown-arc and Blown-ion Plasma Systems

blown ion and blown arc discharge

Air plasma surface treating systems are divided into two categories; blown arc and blown ion. Enercon’s Blown-arc™ Series air plasma technology is formed by blowing atmospheric air past two high-voltage powered electrodes and is sometimes referred to as corona treatment. The electrical discharge positively charges the ion particles surrounding it. Through direct contact, these particles positively charge the…

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Improving Folding Carton Bond Strength Video

Enercon folding carton customers are currently using the blow ion plasma technology to clean, etch and functionalize surfaces of folding cartons. These materials include: polycoated, polybacked, virgin kraft board, specially coated materials, UV lacquered surfaces and recyclable materials. As a result of surface treating folding cartions prior to applying the adhesive, manufacturers are able to improve bond strength, increase line…

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Surface Treating Lab Samples Frequently Asked Questions Video

lab technician recording surface treating lab results

This video explains how easy it is to have Enercon test samples in our surface treating laboratory. Atmospheric plasma and flame treatment technologies are used to help you determine which solution is best for your application. Lab testing is a free service offered by Enercon. Surface Treaters are widely used to clean, etch and functionalize…

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