Enercon Invests in New CNC Equipment to Support Manufacturing Growth & Flexibility
Enercon’s commitment to reducing costs and expanding capabilities is demonstrated by the company’s recent investment in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) equipment. The technology allows for precision and repeatable manufacturing of both simple and complex parts.
By bringing this capability in-house, Enercon adds self-sufficiency & flexibility to do more without outsourcing. This reduces costs and shortens lead times while providing more control over supply during uncertain times. The management team continues to evaluate other investments in order to continue to improve our manufacturing efficiencies.
“This machine supports our manufacturing processes for each of our unique product lines,” says Jake Hanson, Director of Engineering & Manufacturing. “We are excited to be able to give our customers better lead times along with increased accuracy, efficiency and speed.”
Enercon will use the CNC technology for making parts such as drilled port flame burners, plasma nozzles, machined support/framework & narrow web corona treater housings.
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Release date: 3/30/2021