South Cascade Organics New Cap Sealer Solves Problems with Leakers
American Family Rooted in American-Made Success
To start and maintain a successful business, you need to have good employees that have a good work ethic and stand behind the product or service being sold; however, finding those good employees can be difficult and the interview processes long and dragging. Not so for Newton Hayes the owner and founder of South Cascade Organics of Oregon. He didn’t have to look further than his own backyard to find quality employees that are dedicated to the company’s success. Hayes started the company in his dining room where his wife, mother and all four kids work to keep the business thriving.
The Company produces and bottles a product called SLF-100, a bacteria-based enzyme that, in its simplest definition, makes growing crops easier. The product was initially created to remediate salt issues that would bind nutrients to the point where plants could no longer use them. These issues can take up to decades to breakdown whereas SLF-100 fixes the problem in months or less. Today, SLF makes food available for all plants by working throughout the growing cycle to establish a good immune system and labor alongside other important nutrients.
The Root Cause of Packaging Problems
When South Cascade Organics started bottling the product, they used pressure sensitive seals to act as a barrier. This was an adequate solution until SLF started taking off and South Cascade was shipping out a lot more product. Many bottles were damaged in shipping and the liquid formula alone could break down the sticky residue of pressure seals. That’s when Hayes decided it was time to look for a better option. “In an endeavor to get our liquid product to the end user without damages, heat induction seals were superior to pressure sensitive liners or seals,” Hayes stated. “The heat induction gives our product a seal that nothing else can.”

Root, Root, Root for the Home Team
Back in 2016, South Cascade purchased a Super Seal™ Jr, Enercon’s manual sealer. “There is a large difference between foreign-made and American-made,” declared Hayes. “The difference is in the quality. Hold the Super Seal™ Jr. next to a competitor or foreign-made cheap alternative and you’ll see.” After tens of thousands of uses, Newton Hayes contacted Enercon about ordering parts for his hand-held Jr. He received the parts in a matter of days and was supported by customer service to ensure that installation went smoothly. “Customer service and quality are what buying American is all about. I’ll pay for good customer service any day,” Newton insisted. “I’ve paid for the cheaper alternative more than enough and I’m done with that.”
The difference is in the quality. Hold the Super Seal™ Jr. next to a competitor or foreign-made cheap alternative and you’ll see. I’ve paid for the cheaper alternative more than enough and I’m done with that.
Newton Hayes, Founder & CEO of South Cascade Organics

South Cascade’s experience with Enercon is quite common. Enercon is also a USA-based, family-run company and prides itself on product quality and support. In fact, Enercon’s recipe for success has fueled its growth with a global footprint and recognition as the world leader in induction sealing technology. So, when South Cascade’s packaging requirement grew, Enercon was there with a solution.
Sprouting Roots & Branching Out
Fast-forward to a few years later and the SLF-100 sales are booming. With production increased, sealing by hand wasn’t as efficient. South Cascade Organics ordered their first in-line sealer: the Super Seal™ Touch. The new unit, replete with cap inspection system and installed eJector, saved the company so much time. The All-in-One™ sealing head easily sealed the SLF-100 product in quart and gallon bottles, creating a hermetic seal that remains in place, preventing leaks, until the consumer removes the seal.
When asked what business benefits South Cascade has seen since installing induction sealers, reduced shipping claims was at the top of the list. Dropped shipments and various other transit mishandlings bogged the company down with leakers. “The seals give us so much more protection. It also gives our customers peace of mind knowing they received the product they paid for,” Newton added.

As product sales grow, global distribution is expanding as well. SLF-100 is currently distributed throughout the United States and United Kingdom with expansion in the EU and Canada not far behind.
Strong Roots Breed Success
While South Cascade Organics and Enercon are in completely different industries, they do share a similar foundation: two family-owned American businesses with an appreciation for product quality, hard work and customer support. Their common approach is a winning formulation. Both companies have used their USA roots to expand into the global marketplace with solutions that help both farmers and packagers find their own success.