Tips for Shipping Liquids on Amazon
Now is the time to expand your customer base and increase profits by distributing your products through Amazon. Online shopping retail sales are predicted to gross $370 billion by 2017.1 The ease and convience of ordering with a click of a button takes the time and leg work out of shopping for busy consumers. Offers of premier memberships and free expedited shipping make it effortless and enticing. Before ramping up production make sure your packaging is in check.
Big online retailers like Amazon have very specific packaging guidelines for their vendors. Packagers that do not adhere to these guidelines risk the refusal or disposal of their product and blocking of future shipments.
Amazon requires a double seal on liquid products and recommends using a safety seal, such as an induction seal. As a certified APASS (Amazon Packaging Support and Supplier) member Enercon can help you meet these requirements.
Induction sealing is an inline, non-contact heating process that welds a foil seal to the lip of containers creating an hermetic seal. An induction sealer is comprised of two components: the sealing head and power supply. When energized by the power supply, the sealing head creates an electromagnetic current called eddies which heats the foil in the cap and releases it onto the container creating a safety seal.
Amazon is not the only distribution channel influencing packaging strategies. For example, a popular television shopping network required Enercon customer, Bryson Industries, to modify their packaging to prevent leaks and steered them in the direction of induction sealing. Read more about FedEx, UPS and television shopping network’s shipping requirements here .
Induction seal is also ideal for dry foods and powdered products. Manufacturers in the food, beverage, dairy, pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical industries use it not only to prevent leaks, but also for tamper evidence and locking in product freshness.
From manual hand held cap sealing to high performance production line cap sealers, Enercon offers the most diverse range of induction sealer technology on the market. If your shipper, distributor or giant retailer requires you to prevent leaks, contact Enercon to learn how to incorporate an induction seal into your package. Don’t let your product packaging limit your distribution channels.
“Forrester.” Research : Marketing : US Online Retail Sales To Reach $370 Billion By 2017. Forrester, 13 Mar. 2013. Web. 21 July 2015.