Product Visionary puts together Packaging Line to Prove Packaging Concept

DryBev Containers

Induction Sealer Prevents Leaks What if your current product’s shelf life could extend from weeks to years? What if the same packaging breakthrough actually reduced your cost of production? And what if this packaging technology was in the form of the highly popular, single-serve format? These are the types of things Ted Casey (CEO DryBev…

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Tropicana’s Clear PET Containers Incorporate Induction Seal

Tropicana Bottle

Packaging World Magazine reports on a comprehensive packaging overhaul where Tropicana replaces several gabletop cartons & white HDPE containers with clear PET featuring induction seals. “Packaging is central to what we do, and right now we’re in a big, big packaging transformation.” That’s how vice president of marketing Memo Maquivar of PepsiCo’s Tropicana Products Division…

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Mother’s Milk Bank Uses Induction Sealing to Prevent Leaks

Mother's Milk Bank - Super Seal Jr

The most fragile infants depend on Mother’s Milk Bank of Florida and their mighty mission to provide safe, pasteurized donor human milk (DHM). DHM is distributed by prescription to babies that are preterm or are medically fragile and the amount of milk from the infant’s mother is not quite enough to meet her baby’s nutritional needs. Ensuring…

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17 Year Old Enercon Cap Sealer Stands the Test of Time at Lasco Foods

Enercon compak water cooled induction sealer.

What does it take to be successful in business for over 100 years? At Lasco Foods in St Louis, Missouri success is a result of evolving your offerings with industry needs and making smart choices when it comes to investing in packaging equipment. Since its inception in 1901, Lasco Foods’ packaging capabilities for food service and retail…

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Sainsbury reduces customer complaints with induction sealing

Sealed Milk Bottles

UK consumers have had their fill of leaky containers. And so have the packagers of dairy products in the UK. To prevent inconvenient and costly leaks major dairies in the UK have adopted induction as their preferred sealing method. And they have chosen Enercon as their preferred supplier. “We can confirm that we’ve had the…

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Nut Butter Incorporates Induction Seal into PCR PET Container

Justin's Nut Butter

Nuts for Sustainability- Emerging Packager Stay on Course Justin Gold’s business mantra is founded with two objectives: formulate all-natural nut butters and produce them in the most sustainable way possible. By sticking to his roots, Justin has flourished and received recognition across the map, from business moguls to nutrition experts, from fitness gurus to package…

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