Ten-Minute Corona Treater Inspection

Discover the ten-minute corona treater inspection routine that will keep your line running smoothly. Enercon’s Matt Rajala & Tom Gilbertson will guide you through what to look for & how to remedy problems you may find. Topics for this 30-minute webinar include: Innovative People Ensuring Your Treating Success. Enercon is a global leader in surface…

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Metallized Film Adhesion

Metallized film presents adhesion challenges to both film suppliers and converters. Today, new developments in surface treatment are creating competitive advantages by extending surface energy stability on metallized film. Enercon presents new technical data on these solutions in this free presentation. The webinar focuses on the challenges metallized film presents, the effectiveness of traditional and…

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Why Measuring Treatment in kW is Dangerous

CoronaFlex™ Pro Touchscreen

A common misconception is that the output number on your corona treater power supply is equal to the amount of treatment you are applying to your film. This is not the case. The output number represents the amount of power you are instructing the power supply to provide your system’s electrodes. The actual amount of…

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Blame the Corona Treater

The Truth about Dyne Levels, Watt Density & Adhesion When inks, coatings, adhesives and laminations don’t bond with substrates, converters are quick to blame the corona treater. And why shouldn’t they? Corona treaters are responsible for adhesion, right? Well, not exactly. This article looks into the relationship between the corona treater and adhesion. We’ll dive…

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Best Practices & Developments in Solventless Laminating

Printers and converters who integrate solventless laminating enjoy a competitive advantage by offering their customers a single source for flexible packaging. Thanks to recent advancements in laminating process technology, adhesive chemistry and equipment design, implementing a solventless laminating operation has never been easier. This paper details the importance of operators understanding the principles and variables…

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5 Keys to Optimizing Your Surface Treating Operations

Applications for surface treating continue to grow at a remarkable rate. From the ever-expanding flexible packaging market to emerging technology sectors such as solar and batteries for electric vehicles, corona, flame and plasma technologies are being used to promote adhesion on all types of films and foils. Whether you are an industry veteran or new…

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Can you use Watt Density to Predict Dyne Levels?


The ultimate goal of any surface treatment system is to increase surface tension measured in dynes which then increases the wettability and adhesion characteristics of the surface. This allows you to add value to the substrate through printing, laminating, coating etc.. Corona treating systems achieve this by applying a given level of power over a…

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Tips for maximizing the life of your ceramic electrodes


Ceramic electrodes are used extensively in the converting industry for creating corona to improve the surface energy of conductive and nonconductive films and foils. These rugged electrodes are designed to survive the cauldron of heat, ozone and electrical discharge created by the corona treating process. To ensure the electrodes continue to perform as designed operations…

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Improving UV Coating Results with Corona & Plasma Surface Preparation

UV coatings are a great choice for high value applications where scratch resistance and surface performance are essential. While traditional UV lamps are still used, the advancement of LED curing technology has improved operational efficiencies for numerous applications. As seen in the UV+EB Technology Magazine, this article reviews the importance of properly preparing surfaces for…

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Surface Treating Insights for Substrates Used in Lithium-ion Battery Production


The global demand for high performing Lithium-ion and Electric Vehicle batteries is on the rise. Many of the foil and polymer film substrates used for these applications require surface treatment to enable proper coating adhesion and battery performance. Many innovators in this market rely on Enercon’s surface treating laboratory as the proving ground for optimizing…

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