Do roll coverings add cost or value? Get the facts.

One of the most common questions asked by film extruders and converters is which roll covering is best for their application. You might be surprised at the variety of choices when it comes to selecting a roll covering. In this article, we’ll provide the basic facts about four types of roll coverings and then conclude…

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More science and less art make printing operations more profitable.

Steve Utschig is a man of science. Not that he has anything against art. In fact, he helps people print works of art, but he knows a scientific approach to printing leads to repeatability. And repeatability breeds profitability. His approach is well grounded and based on his 22 years of converting industry experience. As a…

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Corona Treating And The Solvent Printing Process

There are a number of external pressures on the converting industry which are increasing the need for surface treatment of substrates before printing. Printing on polyfilm or metallized films and foils instead of paper presents many production challenges. In addition, competitive pressures are pushing converters to produce a higher quality product at ever increasing line…

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Corona Treater Station Design & Construction: Meeting The Converting Challenge

Abstract Treater station construction has undergone significant modification to accommodate rapid change in converting applications: lighter webs, higher line speed operation and advanced substrates (e.g., co-extruded, metallized and very thin substrates). This range of developments has introduced the requirement for nips at the treater roll, using the treater roll as a “pull roll” and modifying…

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