European Corona Treaters Replaced by USA Made Enercon Treaters at Midwest Converter for Performance & Support

For many Enercon customers there is no compromise when it comes to surface treating. We recently spoke with a converter in the Midwest who has specified Enercon for all of their surface treating needs. Their applications include blown film, flexographic printing, extrusion coating and solventless laminating.

“The Enercon equipment is reliable, easy-to-use, and you can’t beat the support,” says their Packaging Operations Manager. In fact, one of the Enercon corona treaters in their facility is over 25 years old.

“We had experience with European treaters that came in on an OEM line. The design was not robust, and we would need to replace electrodes every time there was a high voltage arc. That is never a problem with the Enercon design. And when we did need service on the European treater, it was never easy. Meanwhile, with Enercon the response is always prompt and helpful. I can’t speak more highly of our experience.”

Enercon Treaters for All Types of Applications
Enercon corona treaters are found on several Nordmeccanica solventless laminating lines, a Davis-Standard extrusion coating line, a PCMC flexographic printing press, and a W&H Blown Film Line. On the extrusion coating line, an Enercon Ozone Generator is used to improve adhesion for existing applications and to qualify new products.

Ozonator - Ozone Generator

Although the plant is filled with several different leading brands of OEM equipment, the constant across all of the lines is the Enercon corona treaters. With such an array of applications, the converter relies on Enercon’s expertise to recommend the perfect treater design for each of their lines.

“With Enercon there’s no compromise, they provide us exactly what we need. With other suppliers we’ve spent less up front only to have it cost more in the end. So, for us, it’s got to be Enercon,” says their Operations Manager. “That’s why we specify Enercon for surface treating to all of our OEMS.”

The treaters are used to improve surface energy to enable inks, coatings and laminations to bond properly. The converter relies on Enercon’s High Definition corona design which provides powerful and uniform corona treatment across the entire width of the processed films.

Their newest systems feature Enercon’s innovative Compak™ Pro power supplies with a touchscreen interface. The Compak™ Pro provides advanced operating control, integrated troubleshooting, and captures critical operating data which can be viewed on screen or downloaded to a USB. It even provides maintenance reminders and maintenance is something the company takes very seriously.

Compak™ Pro Series

Easy to Maintain Corona Treaters Helps Converters Stay Lean
The Packaging Operations Manager also states that he likes the fact that Enercon treaters are easy to maintain, and he would know. He started with the company as their Maintenance Manager. “It’s not only easy to maintain, but Enercon essentially gives their training away with their free webinars. I have all my maintenance personnel attend the events. We don’t have to create or provide additional training.”

Doing more with less is important to remain competitive these days. With personnel harder to attract, retain, and develop, having greater efficiencies with equipment and suppliers is key to growth. “Enercon makes surface treating so reliable and easy that it allows us to focus on other issues and stay lean.”

Earning the trust of a customer is gratifying for Enercon. “This Midwest converter takes advantage of all Enercon has to offer: innovative and reliable equipment, insightful application expertise and leading customer support. We’re honored that their team considers Enercon an important part of their success,” says Enercon Sales Director Mike McConnell.

And that success continues. The company has additional Enercon corona treaters on order as the company continues to expand its capabilities and operations to serve their growing customer base.

Editors Note: Due to confidentiality agreements, the identity of the customer has been omitted.