Stop High Voltage Arcs Before They Cause Downtime

In corona treating, a high voltage arc occurs when the intended path of electrical current is disrupted because it finds an easier path to ground. Over 80% of the time, the location of the high voltage arc is in the area of the electrode and ground roll where corona is created. This webinar explains how…

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Web Handling Best Practices for Surface Treating Film Extrusion

Specifically geared towards film extrusion, Enercon dives into why poor web handling can lead to corona treatment issues. To avoid these problems, you must accurately define your application so your corona treater supplier & OEM can employ the web handling techniques needed to ensure trouble-free treatment operations. In this 30-minute webinar, we share expert insights…

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Corona Treating Maintenance Best Practices

This informative webinar will provide you with the industry’s best practices to keep your corona treater in top running condition. Learn what to look for and how to remedy common problems that cause downtime: From electrodes to rolls, from power supplies to exhaust system, this webinar covers it all.

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First Responders Corona Treater Training

Every operation needs one: Your go-to person when your corona treater needs attention. We call them corona treater first responders and we’ve created this webinar just for them. We’ll dive into four situations that can occur with corona treaters and how to systematically approach each situation to reach a swift resolution. This new webinar will…

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Mastering Corona Treaters, Roll Coverings & Electrodes for Extrusion Film Lines

Blown Film Line - Elite

Watch this webinar and you’ll master the surface treating process of your extrusion line. Application experts, Tom Gilbertson & Mario Leonardelli guide you through equipment selection, installation best practices & tips for troubleshooting for your cast and blown film line. Topics Include: Regardless of the brand of corona treater you currently use the information presented in…

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Truth or Dyne? How to Properly Conduct Dyne Tests & What Your Results Really Mean

Corona treaters are used to increase a film’s surface energy to enable wettability & promote the adhesion of inks, coatings and adhesives. This change in surface energy is most commonly measured in dynes. And that’s where problems for extruders and converters begin. Poorly executed dyne tests produce unreliable results and assumptions about dyne levels lead…

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Corona Treater Installation Best Practices: Prevent Downtime

When properly installed, maintained and operated, corona treaters are one of the most reliable pieces of equipment on your line. But did you know that over half of corona treater downtime is associated with mistakes made during the installation of the original equipment? This means that 50% of corona treater downtime is easily preventable. Symptoms…

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Blame the Corona Treater: The Truth About Watt Density, Dyne Level & Adhesion

When inks, coatings, adhesives and laminates don’t bond with substrates, converters are quick to blame the corona treater. And why shouldn’t they? Corona treaters are responsible for adhesion, right? Well, not exactly. In this insightful webinar, industry veterans Tom Gilbertson and Todd Krupa dive deep into the relationships between watt density, dyne levels and adhesion.…

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Prevent Heat & Humidity from Creating Corona Treater Downtime

As the weather warms up outside, increased heat and humidity in your facility can affect your corona treater operation. If your corona treater has not been properly maintained the combination of dirt, debris, and high voltage, along with increased temperatures and humidity, will wreak havoc on your productivity. The good news is that downtime and…

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