Atmospheric Plasma Treatment for APTIV Film

Plasma Ready

After extensive market research and numerous customer requests, Victrex LLC embarked on a journey to develop a proprietary extrusion line to convert its PEEK resin into film. Mike Percy, Global Technical Leader at Victrex APTIV films says, “We felt there was a greater opportunity for PEEK polymerbased film (in the broader marketplace) if it was actively…

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First Responders Corona Treater Training

Every operation needs one: Your go-to person when your corona treater needs attention. We call them corona treater first responders and we’ve created this webinar just for them. We’ll dive into four situations that can occur with corona treaters and how to systematically approach each situation to reach a swift resolution. This new webinar will…

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Which Surface Treatment Technology is Best for Your Application?

Corona? Plasma? Flame? Which one is truly the best technology? Well, that depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Each of these technologies offers unique benefits, as well as practical limitations. And, they can all help you improve adhesion, but your application objectives, budget, and operating parameters will help determine which technology is best…

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Metallized Film Adhesion

Metallized film presents adhesion challenges to both film suppliers and converters. Today, new developments in surface treatment are creating competitive advantages by extending surface energy stability on metallized film. Enercon presents new technical data on these solutions in this free presentation. The webinar focuses on the challenges metallized film presents, the effectiveness of traditional and…

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Improving UV Coating Results with Corona & Plasma Surface Preparation

UV coatings are a great choice for high value applications where scratch resistance and surface performance are essential. While traditional UV lamps are still used, the advancement of LED curing technology has improved operational efficiencies for numerous applications. As seen in the UV+EB Technology Magazine, this article reviews the importance of properly preparing surfaces for…

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Surface Treating Insights for Substrates Used in Lithium-ion Battery Production


The global demand for high performing Lithium-ion and Electric Vehicle batteries is on the rise. Many of the foil and polymer film substrates used for these applications require surface treatment to enable proper coating adhesion and battery performance. Many innovators in this market rely on Enercon’s surface treating laboratory as the proving ground for optimizing…

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Coating Adhesion for Films with Corona, Flame & Plasma


Successfully applying a high quality, continuous web coating requires advanced and versatile technologies which can effectively meet the varied needs for films. Surface treatment plays an important role in this process. The properties of the substrate are therefore absolutely critical to ensure good coating quality and product performance. The substrate needs to be uniformly wetted…

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Which Surface Treating Technology is Best for my Application?

Corona, Plasma or Flame? Surface treating in the converting industry is used to improve the adhesion of engineered films and foils that would otherwise be unreceptive to bonding with inks, coatings, and adhesives. As the only industry supplier who manufactures corona, plasma and flame treatment technologies, Enercon Industries Corporation offers unique insights on how these…

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ASTM Cotton Swab Dyne Testing


The Cotton Swab Method is recognized as an industry standard under ASTM D2578-17, Standard Test Method for Wetting Tension of Polyethylene and Polypropylene Films. Dyne solutions of various concentrations are placed on the substrate until a solution is found that wets out properly.  How to apply:Drops of a dyne test solution are placed on the tip…

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